功率晶体管 (BJT)
TO-92   TO-126   SOT-82   TO-251   TO-220
TO-220F   TO-3P            

Application Power WTC P/N Data
Charger and adapter 3W WTBV68
Charger, adapter, and LED lighting 3~5W WTBV45
Charger, adapter,and communication power, and LED lighting 5~7.5W WTBV46
Charger, adapter,and communication power, and LED lighting 5~7.5W WTBV47L
Charger and apater
(BVCBO min: 850V)
5~7.5W WTBV39L
Charger and apater
( BVCBO min: 850V)
Charger and apater
( BVCBO min: 900V)
5~8W WTBV49L
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
5~8W WTBV116DL
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
7.5W~12W WTBV118DL
Application Power WTC P/N Data
Charger, adapter, and LED lighting 3~5W WTBV45M
Charger, adapter,and communication power, and LED lighting 5~7.5W WTBV46M
Charger, adapter,and communication power, and LED lighting 5~7.5W WTBV47M
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
7.5W~12W WTBV118DM
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
7.5W~12W WTBV53DMR
Application Power WTC P/N Data
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
7.5W~12W WTBV53DNR
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
Application Power WTC P/N Data
Charger, adapter,and communication power, and LED lighting 5~7.5W WTI46
Charger and apater( BVCBO min: 850V) 5~7.5W WTI39
Charger and apater
( BVCBO min: 850V)
5~8W WTI49S
Charger and apater
( BVCBO min: 900V)
5~8W WTI49
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
5~8W WTBV116DI
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
7.5W~12W WTBV118DI
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
7.5W~12W WTI53D
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
10W~12W WTI55D
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
10W~12W WTI56D
Tablet Charger, Adapter, Communication Power
( Frequency 60~80Khz with RFD )
12W~15W WTI57D
Application Power WTC P/N Data
Charger, Ballast, and Power Application >16W WTX168
Charger, Ballast, and Power Application >24W WTX268
Charger, Ballast, and Power Application >40W WTX13007
Charger, Ballast, and Power Application >40W WTX13009
Application Power WTC P/N Data
Charger, Ballast, and Power Application >16W WTF168
Charger, Ballast, and Power Application >24W WTF268
Charger, Ballast, and Power Application >40W WTF13007
Charger, Ballast, and Power Application >40W WTF13009
Application Power WTC P/N Data
Charger, Ballast, and Power Application >40W WTQ13009